Getting started

Install rocks

rocks is available on the python package index as space-rocks:

$ pip install space-rocks

The minimum version requirement for python is 3.8. After installation, you have the rocks executable available system-wide. In addition, you can now import the rocks python package.

$ rocks

Usage: rocks [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

CLI for minor body exploration.

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  docs        Open the rocks documentation in browser.
  id          Resolve the asteroid name and number from string input.
  info        Print the ssoCard of an asteroid.
  parameters  Print the ssoCard structure and its description.
  status      Echo the status of the ssoCards and datacloud catalogues.
  who         Get name citation of asteroid from MPC.
>>> import rocks

We are actively developing rocks and new versions come out frequently. If you encounter a bug, a first step to resolve it is to clear your cache directory and to update to the latest version using

$ pip install -U space-rocks