Giving Credit

If you made use of rocks for your publication, you might want to credit (1) the original authors of the data you used and (2) rocks and the underlying SsODNet service. Every observation and measurement in SsODNet is backed by at least one peer-rievewed publication which should be cited.

For (2), we would appreciate a reference to Berthier+ 2022 and a footnote to point the reader to the rocks repository at

For (1), please see the description below.

Bibliography Management with rocks

Giving credit where credit is due is straight-forward with rocks: all parameters in the ssoCard and datacloud catalogues contain their bibliographic references in the bibref entry. As values in the ssoCard may be derived from multiple observations, the bibref attribute of the Rock class parameters is a list.

The diameter of (2) Pallas given in the ssoCard is a weighted-mean of several published values, all of which are referenced.

>>> import rocks
>>> pallas = rocks.Rock(2)
>>> pallas.diameter.bibref
[Bibref(doi='10.1051/0004-6361/202141781', year=2021, title='VLT/SPHERE imaging survey of the largest main-belt asteroids: Final results and synthesis', bibcode='2021A&A...654A..56V', shortbib='Vernazza+2021'),
 Bibref(doi='10.1016/j.icarus.2009.08.007', year=2010, title='Physical properties of (2) Pallas', bibcode='2010Icar..205..460C', shortbib='Carry+2010a'),
 Bibref(doi='10.1038/s41550-019-1007-5', year=2020, title='The violent collisional history of aqueously evolved (2) Pallas', bibcode='2020NatAs...4..569M', shortbib='Marsset+2020'),
  Bibref(doi='10.1051/0004-6361/201629956', year=2017, title='Volumes and bulk densities of forty asteroids from ADAM shape modeling', bibcode='2017A&A...601A.114H', shortbib='Hanuš+2017a')]

Datacloud catalogues are serialized as pandas DataFrame. The bibliographic information is provided the shortbib and bibcode attributes.

>>> import rocks
>>> pallas = rocks.Rock(2, datacloud='diameters')
>>> pallas.diameters.columns
Index(['title', 'shortbib', 'bibcode', 'year', 'id_', 'number', 'name',
       'diameter', 'err_diameter_up', 'err_diameter_down', 'albedo',
       'err_albedo_up', 'err_albedo_down', 'beaming', 'err_beaming',
       'emissivity', 'err_emissivity', 'selection', 'method',
       'preferred_albedo', 'preferred_diameter', 'preferred'],
>>> pallas.diameters.shortbib
0                 Herald+2019
1                 Herald+2019
2                   Ryan+2010
3               Drummond+2008
4               Tedesco+2002a
5               Drummond+1989
6               Drummond+2009
7               Vernazza+2021
8                 Carry+2010a
9                   Usui+2011
10               Marsset+2020
Name: shortbib, dtype: object

The shortbib attribute of the bibref entries gives a legible list of source publications. The bibcode or doi attributes may be useful for bibliographic management in TeX publications.

>>> import rocks
>>> pallas = rocks.Rock(2)
>>> shortbibs = pallas.diameter.bibref.shortbib
>>> bibcodes = pallas.diameter.bibref.bibcode
>>> print(f"The diameter of (2) Pallas is based on work by {', '.join(shortbibs)}")
The diameter of (2) Pallas is based on work by Vernazza+2021, Carry+2010a, Marsset+2020, Hanuš+2017a)
>>> print("To cite: \cite{",  ','.join(bibcodes), '}')
To cite: \cite{ 2021A&A...654A..56V,2010Icar..205..460C,2020NatAs...4..569M,2017A&A...601A.114H }

To get a specific bibliographic reference, we select it based on its index from the bibref list:

>>> pallas.diameter.bibref[0]
  title='VLT/SPHERE imaging survey of the largest main-belt asteroids: Final results and synthesis',

Find datasets by Author

The presence of data associated to peer-reviewed articles[1] in the SsODNet can be checked using the author command by supplying the name of the first author.

$ rocks author müller                                                                       master
  Müller+2011b  [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2017b  [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2017a  [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2010   [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2014   [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2004a  [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2004b  [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2011a  [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2012   [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2013   [DiamAlbedo]
  Müller+2011   [Spin models]
  Müller+2013   [Spin models]
  Müller+2017a  [Spin models]
  Müller+2017b  [Spin models]
  Müller+1998   [Thermal properties]
  Müller2007    [Thermal properties]
  Müller+2010   [Thermal properties]
  Müller+2014   [Thermal properties]
  Müller+2011a  [Thermal properties]
  Müller+2012   [Thermal properties]
  Müller+2013   [Thermal properties]
  Müller+2017b  [Thermal properties]

If you spot a missing data source or would like to submit recently published data to SsODNet, please send an email to benoit.carry (at)
